Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blue Ocean Strategy

Strategies to compete in the competition is very tight can cause "sea of blood" for companies that compete or are put-off. This strategy disebur as Bloody or Red Ocean Strategy. W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne said that the Red Ocean Strategy is no longer effective to create growth and profits in the future. They are proposing a new strategy called the Blue Ocean Strategy. Differences between the Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy, among others, on to the market, competition, demand, values and strategy.
Red Ocean Strategy considers that to compete it is to compete in the market space that, while the Blue Ocean Strategy, considers that compete is to create market space that is not their. The market is very broad bagaiakan "blue ocean". Because the market is very broad, companies can choose the market as the heart. Red Ocean Strategy to use the concept can grow and benefit with the defeat competitors in the competition. Blue Ocean Strategy

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