Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Two people who are very strong influence in Indonesia's economic ideology is the Bung Karno and Bung Hatta. In the book under the Flag of the Revolution is a collection of books written several Bung Karno issued in the period from 1926 to 1941. The book consists of two volumes published this first of 1959. The theme of the writings collected in two volumes of this book is very wide scope. There is talk about the problem ideological, social, political, economic, and there is also talk about the experience of Bung Karno disposal in the region. But with the title, overall, which accrued in the book that also attach photos and examples of handwriting Bung Karno, the situation revealed in a sharp struggle of independence that are faced by Indonesian nation. Of all the themes that peeled Bung Karno in the various papers, at least there are two major themes that need to be reviewed briefly here. First, the truth about colonialism, capitalism, and the struggle of Indonesian independence. And second, about nationalism, Islamisme, and Marxism.

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